February Pullip Announcements Vocaloid Sakura Miku & more

Speak of the devil and it shall appear, I mentioned in my most recent post that Groove hadn’t announced February’s releases yet despite the fact it was almost February and well they finally made an announcement this morning. Releases used to be announced at least a few months ahead of time so it’s kind of odd that we are having so many last minute announcements. So far two Pullips, one Taeyang and a Pang-ju have been announced, I’m surprised to see two Pullip released in the same month again while still no Dal release.
There is no discernible theme to the releases this month, one of the Pullips and the Pang-ju are original designs unrelated to each other while the other Pullip is yet another collaboration with Vocaloid a fourth version of Pullip Miku and the Taeyang is…. well a collaboration with a lolita company.

Sakura Miku
Sakura Miku
Let me start off by saying that Sakura or Cherry Blossom Miku is not an original design that Groove came up with, like Snow Miku before her she was made to welcome the coming of a new season in this case spring. She was inspired by Snow Miku. Good Smile Company has previously released a few figures of Sakura Miku including the nendoroid pictured above. This isn’t a case of Groove simply deciding to make a recolored pink rerelease of recent popular collaboration this has precedence, Sakura Miku is actually a thing though why they chose to release two dolls wearing all pink back to back is beyond me even though I like both of them.
Singing voice echoing along with the spring breeze diva cherry will come to deliver the spring!
Sakura Miku has a MSRP of 18000 yen. She is the fourth version of Pullip Miku released over the last three years , past releases include Miku, Snow Miku and Lots of Laugh Miku as well as a DoColla Little Pullip Miku. That’s a lot of Miku. I personally love this variation of Miku, if they had to do another version of Miku I’m glad they chose this one I especially love her cherry hair accessories.

From what I can see her face up seems to be the same style as the previously released Mikus just in more pink-ish tones. I really love what they did with her eyes, they are  very anime-esque and really suit her wonderfully.

Pullip Dilettante
To sideways hustle and bustle of the city and the station, I travel over anywhere of no interest Nantes the wonderful thing it’s another, but if curiosities and nice mood like that

Dilettante has a MSRP of 15000 yen, she isn’t a collaboration and her outfit well looks kind of basic. There aren’t really any photos of what she has underneath the trench coat yet, the above photo is the only one that even shows the coat open. She does come with sunglasses but I’m kind of puzzled as to why she is so expensive, is 15000 yen going to be the new baseline cost of Pullip? Yikes.
She is pretty but in a kind of generic way, she reminds me of several past releases including Bonita this isn’t necessarily a bad thing I like Bonita she is a pretty doll but Dilettante fails to really stand out to me. On the bright side, she looks like she would be extremely versatile outside of her stock.

Taeyang AKIRA × Destinée de la Rose
1558492_651542604884964_921459918_nwas in the mouth of the forbidden fruit, cute princess of my going to sleep much?When you wake up in this kiss, and … will Izanao to dream further

Taeyang AKIRA × Destinée de la Rose has a MSRP of 18000 yen. He like the January Pullips Favorite Ribbon and Le Robe Vert Clair is a triple collaboration between a clothing company in this case Alice and the Pirates ( Destinée de la Rose) and someone named  AKIRA which failed to bring anything relevant up  via google. Though judging from this post on the Baby, the Stars Shine Bright blog post he is the designer of the outfit.

His face up looks pretty nice, he looks like he would be pretty versatile out of stock but that wig doesn’t look too promising it’s a weird style/color and looks haphazardly cut.

Pang-ju Chiffon cake-pang
Chiffon cake-pang has a MSRP of 10000 yen. Photos of her had previously surfaced from Doll Carnival and I have been hoping for her release ever since. Chiffon cake-pang has an almost angelic sugar fairy look about her and is too cute!

Verdict: I’m excited for Sakura Miku and will definitely be buying her. Dilettante failed to really leave any lasting impression with me so I will more than likely be skipping her though owner photos could change my mind. I wish there were better close ups of the dolls, I also wish Dilettante’s arm wasn’t cut off in one of the photos ^^;. Taeyang AKIRA × Destinée de la Rose gets a pass from me as well, honestly it isn’t that surprising I don’t tend to care for the boys as much unless they are really cool like the Nightmare set. Pang-ju is the only currently released Groove doll that I don’t own any of yet, I’ve been thinking of getting one so I could have one on hand for comparison/review purposes for quite a while now and I think I may have just the perfect one now that Chiffon cake-pang has been announced.

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12 Responses to February Pullip Announcements Vocaloid Sakura Miku & more

  1. TrueFan says:

    Where is Dal!?!

    • kleintoys says:

      At least the latest dal released (I almost said last but don’t even want to joke about the possibility of no more Dals) Heiwa was super cute. I’d rather have a variety of dolls like Dal or Isul released than two Pullips released monthly. I wouldn’t lose hope yet they announced the Isul and Byul last month a few days after they announced the Pullips so hopefully a Dal will be announced soon or they better announce a really amazing March Dal release at least to make up for everything.

  2. TrueFan says:

    Yes! Amazing March Dal! Let’s hope.

    • kleintoys says:

      Dare I hope for the step-sister dal? I hope they didn’t decide to scrap her because the byul didn’t sell that well but there was a prototype of her at doll carnival so I feel there is still hope!

  3. h3artmare91 says:

    I totally adore the Sakura Miku…even though I’m not a fan of the color Pink in general x3
    And yeah the hair style of the Destine’e Taeyang looks kinda weird, I still love the outfit concept~

    Great job on keeping up with the Groove world by the way~ x3

    • kleintoys says:

      Sakura Miku is definitely very pink, I’m surprised to see two almost entirely pink dolls released back to back like this but I really like both of the dolls ^^;

      The Taeyang’s outfit is pretty cool, fortunately I’m not as fond of the boys otherwise if I did get him he would definitely be a rewigging candidate as that wigs is all sorts of crazy.

      Thanks so much ❤

      • h3artmare91 says:

        Yes she sure is. But very cute at the same token ^u^
        And with the Luna recolor too…that does make 2 pink dolls. I know which one I’ll pick up after my tax returns are filed xD
        Oh yeah…I mean with Destine’e I’d re-wig him in a heartbeat!~ And not mess with the rest of him since that particular outfit reminds me of a wedding outfit for my BF x///3

        Your welcome ^u^

  4. Jane Cherie says:

    I was hoping for a new Dal release! Oh well, I’ll have to wait some more. I actually like Pullip Dilettante’s coat very much! Her hair and eyes look amazing and I wonder what her complete outfit will be … but I am really not crazy about her high price!

    • kleintoys says:

      They announced the January Isul and Byul almost a week after the Pullips, so I still have some hope for a Dal release in Feb. Dilettante is a very classy girl, she just isn’t my cup of tea she reminds more a J-doll design than a Pullip and that high price-tag certainly isn’t doing her any favors.

  5. Morgan says:

    OH SHE IS SO BEAUTIFUL! What day is she coming out?

    • kleintoys says:

      Sakura Miku will be coming out in late February probably late March here in the US, I’ll try to post when Pullipstyle opens preorders.

  6. swirlsgirl says:


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