Arrival: SDCC Supergirl Pullip

SDCC exclusive Supergirl Pullip arrived yesterday via my favorite purveyor of Pullips Pullipstyle . Supergirl is the latest doll in a collaboration between DC Comics and Groove that have previously brought us SDCC exclusives Batgirl, Catwoman, Batman and Wonder Woman as well as NYCC exclusive Harley Quinn. I personally love comics especially DC comics so I am super excited that there is now a Supergirl Pullip.
No matter how strong the enemy, I will protect world peace! …feel like so. 
For those unfamiliar with the comic book character, Supergirl is traditionally Superman’s cousin Kara Zor-El (from when she was introduced in 1959 until her death during the Crisis on Infinite Earths comic in 1985, she was re-introduced in 2004 during the interim other characters assumed the name).

Supergirl Supergirl Supergirl
Supergirl comes in a slim box that Groove likes to use for convention exclusives/My Select dolls. She comes with a stand and a card, she does not come with a numbered certificate.
Supergirl face up
Supergirl has a very dynamic face up that I feel suits the character well. Supergirl made a really lovely transition into Pullip, I was a bit skeptical about her smile initially but they really look quite nice in person.
Supergirl has gone through a number of costume changes over the year, while the one Pullip wears is probably the most iconic costume if I had my choice I probably would have gone for the version she wore in the animated series.  The quality of her stock outfit is actually pretty nice though I probably would have went for plastic boots rather than cloth boots.
Supergirl looks like she is ready to swoop in to save the day!
I just love that super sweet smile!
Some additional pictures of Supergirl on my flickr, please look forward to seeing more pictures of her soon with some of her friends and foes from the DC Universe. Don’t forget that you can get your very own Supergirl at Pullipstyle .

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7 Responses to Arrival: SDCC Supergirl Pullip

  1. Cherie says:

    She is very beautiful and I like her smile too! Her eyes are stunning. Probably the only time I liked eyes with big pupils! I do like her outfit a lot as well. I wonder why Groove chose to market her (and the exclusives) with the slim box instead of the nice regular box.

    • kleintoys says:

      I’m glad you like her ^_^ I did not expect to like her as much as I did in person, I’m really glad that I bought her.

      I think they use the slim boxes because they are easier to transport large quantities of them back and forth for the convention. I actually don’t mind the smaller boxes myself but it doesn’t matter that much as I get rid of virtually all my boxes now.

  2. Heather says:

    Love it! I *just* watched the Justice League: Unlimited episode where she went to the future XD You need to take a shot of all your comic inspired Pullip together!!

    • kleintoys says:

      I’ve actually been watching the Justice League cartoon with my little girl so she was very excited to see that I now have a Supergirl doll. I plan on doing a full shoot soon but I have a lot of comic inspired dolls including Harley Quinn (custom, official, Arkham Asylum, Dr. Harleen Quinzel), two different Batgirls and Catwomans, Poison Ivy, Wonder Woman, Duela Dent, Oracle, Batman as well as Zatanna and the DeeDee twins in the works so it’ll be quite an undertaking when I do get around to doing it. I also have a Emma Frost but she’s Marvel.

  3. Bea Jai says:

    She’s beautiful with that smile – she could be a pin-up girl for Pullip collectors and superhero figure collectors alike. I like her too, not being overly sexy like Catwoman.
    If I collect superhero girls I would’ve gotten her.

    But you’ve inspired me to get a Papin instead, tee hee.
    I would have to commend (blame? lol) you for that.
    But seriously, thanks for these reviews! n.n

    • kleintoys says:

      Thanks so much ^_^ I think Supergirl would look pretty nice redressed too but I am quite happy with her being as a superhero. I think Pullip has done a nice job not oversexualizing the comic characters so far even though Harley came with a bra with some extra padding in it.

      Haha congrats on your Papin, I know you will love her. I’m really happy to hear it whenever someone gets any use out of my reviews.

  4. Cherie says:

    Thank you for replying to my questions about the slim box. It makes perfect sense. I love their pretty box though and I can’t throw them away yet (but I only have a few dolls).

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